Monday, 4 April 2011

Prudential Pruduct - PRUlink one Plan

Everyone goes through different phases in life. So do you. Priorities continue to change
• A fresh graduate yearns for independence – to join the work force and buying their very first insurance policy.
• A newly married couple faces new commitments such as financing a new home, progressing career and entertaining the thought of starting a family.
• Parents with children on the other hand want nothing else but protection for their children whilst ensuring that they have solid savings for the continuity of their children’s future.
• Upon reaching their golden years, retirees wish for nothing more than their good health whilst looking for smart investment opportunities.

That’s where PRUlink one comes in – a plan that helps you do what you want at different
stages of your life… giving you complete protection through medical and accident benefits
opportunities new and innovativeplus a combination of local and global investmentright at your fingertips! What’s more, PRUlink one also lets you enjoy loyalty bonus** when you do not miss any of your payments!

So why wait any longer? You can look forward to experiencing every worthwhile momentin life - having absolutely no worries whilst being able to enjoy every little reward that comes your way with PRUlink one.

* Attachment of optional benefits are subject to underwriting & additional premium.
** Subject to terms and conditions.

Not only does PRUhealth reward you with No Claims Bonus (NCB), you now have a choice of except cost of daily room & board for any one disability during a 90-day period) of RM3,000 and RM10,000 other than the default coinsurance option. You can then continue to build your deductible (the fixed amount you must pay out of the total medical fees,PRUhealth plan with these new benefits:

PRUmedic overseas: In addition to comprehensive coverage for hospitalisation and surgical
expenses under your medical treatment for 5 types of covered conditions PRUhealth plan, you now have the option of obtaining overseasin Singapore, Hong Kong and China.

PRUmedic auto upgrade2: With this new option, your plan will be upgraded to the next benefit level on the 5th and 10th year rider benefit anniversary regardless of your health condition and any previous medical claims you may have made. This upgrade will follow the policy terms and conditions at the start or as and when it is attached to your
PRUhealth plan.

For further details please refer to the PRUhealth product brochure.

ENHANCED ACCIDENT BENEFITS for extra protection1
Let the new and enhanced accident benefits give you additional coverage with:

PRUacci guard: Should you be involved in an accident, you will be covered with:
• Compassionate Allowance
• Accidental Death & Disablement Benefit
• Double indemnity or double the benefit if the accident occurs when you travel in public transport, in an elevator (excluding elevators in mines and construction sites) or in a burning theatre, hotel or public building

PRUacci med: For injuries caused by accidents, the following expenses are amongst a few that will be reimbursed
• Medical treatment, hospital confinement or nursing services
• Medical expenses to treat an injury caused by an accident by a Traditional and Complementary Medicine Practitioner (a licensed acupuncturist / herbalist / bonesetter /chiropractor)
• Return air ticket for overseas hospital for 10 days or more, and a one-way ticket for you to return to Malaysia immediately after hospitalisation
• Reimbursement of reasonable cost of purchasing a wheelchair if you become permanently paraplegic or artificial limb (prosthesis)

PRUacci income: If you are admitted to hospital, you will receive
• Weekly income of RM100 and RM50 for Temporary Total Disablement and Temporary Partial Disablement respectively
• Daily income of RM50 a day when admitted to a Malaysian government hospital

Have the flexibility to build a healthy investment fund for potentially higher returns over the long term by choosing to invest in any of the PRUlink and PRUlink global funds. For further details, please refer to the PRUlink and PRUlink global Fund Fact Sheet attached with this brochure.

LOYALTY BONUS3 for being a long-term customer
At Prudential, we want to reward our customers who pay their premium on a timely basis by giving 5% of annualised premium (excluding premiums paid for top-ups and PRUsaver)upon completion of the policy year and every 3 years thereafter.

PRUlink one gives you control and flexibility to vary and customise your protection and nvestment needs to suit all stages of your life! Don’t hesitate and speak with your friendly Prudential Wealth Planner whenever your circumstances or needs have changed.

1 Optional covers are subject to underwriting, additional premium and subject to policy terms and conditions.
2 Cannot co-exist with PRUannual limit waiver rider and vice versa.
3 Subject to terms and conditions.

All about PRUlink one

1. What is PRUlink one?
PRUlink one is a comprehensive, all-in-one regular premium investment-linked insurance plan that provides protection together with local and overseas investment opportunities that can cater to your changing needs at different stages of your life.
In addition to the basic death and disability coverage, you can choose from a range of add-on covers to suit your budget and prevailing needs (subject to additional premium):

Health & Medical Covers
Get peace of mind with comprehensive medical coverage for expenses incurred in the event of hospitalisation via the PRUhealth plan.

To further enhance your medical protection, you can now attach these new optional benefits:
PRUmedic overseas
PRUmedic auto upgrade

Accident Covers
Get comprehensive coverage for death and injuries due to accident.
New and enhanced PRUacci guard (PAG), PRUacci med (PAM) and PRUacci income (PAI) will help elevate your worries from the accident so that you can recover from your injuries without any unwanted distraction.

Critical Illness Covers
Takes care of you in the event that you are diagnosed with a critical illness such as Multiple Crisis Protector, Crisis Shield and Crisis Shield Plus.

Payor Covers
Pays for your plan in the event of death (if applicable), disability or critical illness on behalf of the payor of the plan be it yourself or your spouse.

Disability Covers
Takes care of you in the event of any disability by helping you cover your expenses though annual payouts on each subsequent policy anniversary prior to the age of 70 years.

Female Illness Covers
Tailor-made coverage especially for women.

For more details on the main components of your plan, please refer to the Sales Illustration and Policy Contract.

2. How do I start?
First, determine your protection needs, such as your basic cover and other optional benefits. Then decide on an affordable amount to set aside every month. With PRUlink one, you can start securing your future for as little as RM100 a month (subject to underwriting, excluding premiums paid for PRUsaver and subject to policy terms & conditions).

3. What will I receive?
Upon death 
The sum of:
a) sum assured, and
b) value of units in the account
Total and Permanent
In the event of TPD before age 70 years, the sum assured
Disability (TPD)
is payable subject to a maximum lump sum of RM1 million.
Subject to RM4 million per life
The balance of the sum assured will be paid upon the first
on the sum assured.
anniversary of the disability1. Upon earlier death, the balance

of any sum assured will be paid immediately together with the

value of units in the account.

(Please refer to the policy document for the definitions of TPD)
Upon Maturity 
Value of units in the account is payable when you reach the age

of 100 years on your next birthday.
Upon Surrender of Policy 
Value of units in the account at the point of surrender.

1 Subject to proof of continued disability.

4. Who can take up the PRUlink one plan?
Anyone between the ages of 19 – 70 years on their next birthday can take up the plan.

5. How long do I need to pay premiums for?
Premium is payable for the whole policy term until expiry of the policy. Upon expiry of any optional or add-on benefits, the premium will be reduced accordingly.

6. How much premium do I need to pay?
The minimum premium payable per year is as follows:

Minimum premium per year
PRUlink one
 RM1,200 (subject to underwriting)
PRUsaver RM120

You may top-up your premium with a minimum of RM500 or choose to increase your level of investment by purchasing PRUsaver, of which 95% of the premium will be invested into the for as little as RM10 a month.

Premium allocation
Your premium paid is allocated to buy units in the PRUlink or PRUlink global funds as per the table shown below. For more information on these funds, please refer to the PRUlink or PRUlink global Fund Fact Sheet (if applicable)

Assuming your monthly premium for PRUlink one and PRUsaver each is RM200; your monthly premium allocation will be as follows:
Policy Year
Above 6
PRUlink one
Allocation Rates*
Premium Invested** 
Allocation Rates
Premium Invested** 

* The premium allocation rate shown above is applicable for policies with terms of 20 years and above. For terms of less than 20 years, the premium allocation will be higher.
** Before deduction of service charge and insurance charges.

Premium payment
Premiums can be paid yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly via Auto Debit, Credit Card, Cash or Cheque.

7. Where are my funds invested?
You can choose to invest into any of the PRUlink and/or PRUlink global series of funds. For further details, please refer to the PRUlink and PRUlink global Fund Fact Sheet attached with this brochure.

You can track the performance of your funds by checking the unit prices published daily on our website at or in major newspapers.

#Please note that this is an insurance product that is tied to the performance of the underlying assets, and is not a pure investment product such as unit trusts.
# The investment performance of the PRUlink and PRUlink global funds are not guaranteed.

8. What are the charges* involved?
Service charge
RM5 per month for other payment modes (credit card or auto debit).
RM6 per month for payments by cash or cheque.

Insurance charge
A monthly insurance charge is levied depending on your age, term, gender, smoking status, sum assured and occupation class (if applicable).

Top up service charge
Each top-up incurs a service charge of RM25.

Fund switching fee
Four free switches are available every year. The switch fee is set at 1% of the switched amount (subject to maximum of RM50) for any
subsequent switches within the year.

Fund management charge
Charges vary depending on the funds that you select. Please refer to the attached Fund Fact Sheet for more details.

* All charges are levied through cancellation of units. The fees and charges may be varied from time to time.

Do more with your
PRUlink one plan

Contract Catherine Lee at 012-5266008, e-mail me at
Prudential Wealth Planner.